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More About Just Peace


Our activities & methods include:

  • Networking and supporting actions and activities of other groups that have similar aims and objectives;

  • Lobbying politicians and other influential institutions;

  • Raising public awareness through various means such as public forums and meetings, conferences, peace education in both public and private sectors, organising cultural events and producing and disseminating informative literature;

  • To see reports and description of our activities over the past 20 years, see the Annual JP reports here


Current Campaigns and Actions:

  • Involvement in the United Nations International Day of Peace (21 September) activities

  • Active membership of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)

  • The ongoing crisis between Palestine & Israel (Just Peace for Palestine sub-Group)

  • Lobbying Members of Parliament to indicate the futility of Australia signing up to disastrous foreign conflicts that simply degrade our national security.

  • On-going anti-war and pro-peace activities including opposition to US bases in Australia, the use of Depleted Uranium during military exercises in Australia and the increasing militarisation of Australia

  • Strong support, both financially and organisationally, of a wide variety of peace activist and cross-cultural organisations

  • Sub-committees to concentrate on campaigning around

    • IPAN​

    • Just Peace for Palestine

    • Anti-nuclear group highlighting dangers of nuclear waste, links between nuclear energy and increasing militarism, including latest AUKUS nuclear powered submarine project.

  • Publications

    • High quality quarterly newsletter

    • Brochures, fact sheets and flyers addressing issues such as Palestine / Israel, An Independent Australian Foreign Policy, Australian / Indonesian relations and Anti –Terrorist legislation


Monthly Meetings

  • We invite you to participate in our monthly meetings which are normally held at 7pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Queensland Council of Trade Unions Building, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane, Queensland. The meetings of the Just Peace for Palestine sub-Group are held at 6pm on the same dates and place.


  • Just Peace organises four or five forums each year on a variety of topics. These forums involve speakers, films and accompanying discussions, with the objectives of reaching out to the Brisbane Community with our message.


Website and Face Book

  • Just Peace maintains this website,, which serves as a source of information on peace-related activities of Just Peace and related organisations. There are links to other peace sites, news articles, films, books, poetry, songs and other form of communication. Here you can also join up on line, donate to Just Peace and subscribe to our e-bulletin.

  • Our Face Book page can be reached at Here you can read up-to date-articles, commentary, and post your own opinions.


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