Just Peace Queensland Inc.
Address: PO Box 573 Coorparoo, QLD, 4151
Mobile: 0431 597 256 (Annette Brownlie)
Useful Documents & Links
The documents available here have been obtained from a range of public sources, and contain useful information and analysis on various aspects of the Australian and world-wide struggle for peaceful resolution of conflicts.
Other Organisations:
Links to other related peace and nuclear disarmament organisations
IPAN (Independent and Peace ful Australia network - a useful source for links to Australian peace groups)
International Peace Bureau (based in Switzerland - dedicated to a "world without war")
Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australian chapter of an international organisation)
SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - the authoritative body for figures on international arms spending)
Year for Peace (Based in Sandgate, Queensland - community peace organisation)
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (celebrating their 100 year anniversary in 2015)
No Glory - UK based peace group focussing on WWI
Veterans for Peace, UK
US Labor Against the War
Remembering and Healing - Lismore based peace group
Australia: Documents
Documents written by Australian authors or institutions
New Torus spy system: June 2015 report from the Nautilus Institute on expanded Communications Satellite Surveillance and Intelligence Activities Utilising Multi-beam Antenna Systems
Armed Neutrality - a paper written by David Martin in 1984
Gateway to the Indo-Pacific - Australian defence strategy and the future of the Australian - US Alliance. Written by three US defence establishment authors from the US Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in 2013
Impact of military bases in Australia - produced by Scott Ludlam in the Australian Greens in 2012
Malcolm Fraser Whitlam Oration in 2012, in which amongst other issues, he outlines his strong critique of Australia-US alliance
Paper on US Bases in Australia, by Hannah Middleton from the Australian Anti-Bases Coalition in 2013
Detailed paper on the history and role of US Base at NW Cape, written in 2010
Parliamentary Approval for declaration of war - a discussion by Greens Senator Scott Ludlam based on the Australian involvement in the Iraq war
The myth of Japanese Invasion - a paper by Principal Historian at the Australian War Memorial, Peter Stanley in 2012
Detailed discussion Paper on US Bases in Australia in 2013 by Richard Tanter of the Nautilus Institute
Australian Force Posture Agreement in 2014 between Australia and US
The new US Military expansion into Australia - a detailed discussion paper in 2013 from the Fremantle Anti-Nuclear Group
Planning the unthinkable war - Air-sea battle and its implications for Australia, written by Benjamin Scheer of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in 2013 - another link in the Australian defence and security establishment
Defence Force Posture Review December 2012
US Officer extolls the virtues of US Troops in Darwin. In April 2015 Lt Col Eric Dougherty of the US Marine Corps told media how useful it is for the US to have troops in Australia - "in the US it is very restricted... here it is a blank slate"
NT Government subimission to the Fed Govt White Defence paper - shows a servile acceptance of the presence of US troops in Australia.
Documents written by overseas authors or institutions
A Secular History of Islam- A discusssion of the history of Islam from a secular perspective by noted international author Tariq Ali
The Ukrainian Crisis - Why a New Cold War - A lecture by Prof Stephen Cohen on (March 2015)
Imperial Conquest - America's Long War against humanity, by Michael Chossudovsky in 2014
Demilitarisation for Deep Decarbonization - linking military expenditure and the climate movement - a paper by the International Peace Bureau in 2014
On Killing - a book extract by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman on the history of people's and soldiers' inherent reluctance to kill, and the consequent military response in refining training to kill.
Air-Sea Battle - a new US strategy of war fighting in 2010
No military solution to fundamentalism - a statement from the international Peace Bureau
Critique and alternatives to the "Responsibility to Protect" - the current and fashionablestrategy underlying so-called "humanitarian interventions", by Richard Jackson from the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
Rebuilding America's Defence - a report from the Project for a New American Century in 2000 - one of the key neo-conservative documents
Targetting military Spending - discussion paper on disarmament and development in 2013, from the IPB
US National Security Strategy in 2002 - a US Presidential document from the White House
Links to videos, talks or documents on peace movement issues
The link between climate change and war, .. A lecture by Neil Faulkner, an archeologist, historian at a conference entitled "This Changes Everything" in London in March 2015
Increased "Defence" spending in latest Federal Budget
Adam Curtis - "Oh dear"-ism II and Non-Linear War
GLENN MAJOR 0411 514 500 (glennmajor11@outlook.com)
hoping that the image of a structured system based on U N protocols, and communication networks between nations may induce change to take the politics out of earth management.
(a) Peace Strategies
(b) United Nations Revised Structure
(c)3year amnesty on war
(d)Prototype Safe Zones
(e) Political Reform
Protocols and physical networked structure, defines change to align with
21st century technology and sophistication; to reverse historical divisions;
redefine ourselves as one world; support each another to meet global challenges, balance wealth and inequality with corporate and political responsibility; liberate refugees and traumatized communities into safe suburbs; and secure future peace.
This summary and diagrams are excerpts from a future book proposal in the near future.
Declaration of support or assistance is invited.