Just Peace Queensland Inc.
Address: PO Box 573 Coorparoo, QLD, 4151
Mobile: 0431 597 256 (Annette Brownlie)
IPAN - Independent & Peaceful Australia Network
Just Peace Qld was one of the founding organisations of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network in 2012.
IPAN is a network of organisations from across Australia, united by our support for an independent Australian foreign policy based on peaceful resolution of conflicts.
There is a growing concern amongst many Australians that decisions to base US troops in Australia and increase military use of Australian facilities were made hastily, without proper consultation with affected communities, and are not in Australia’s best security, economic or environmental interests. Responding to that concern, groups from each Australian state in September 2012 launched the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN).
The network welcomes all national and local groups that support our aims, and is working to broaden the involvement of as many organisations as possible.
The Aims of IPAN are:
Promote an independent Australian foreign policy that builds peace and nonviolent resolutions of conflict in our region;
Oppose the establishment of foreign military bases and the deployment of foreign troops and military in Australia and the Asia-Pacific;
Provide information, analysis and opportunities for NGOs, unions, churches and community groups to participate in decision-making on Australia’s peace and security options;
Build links with peoples and organisations in the Asia-Pacific campaigning for peace and against military bases and troops in the region.
Encourage your organisation to join IPAN. Affiliation fees are $10 (Small organisation), $50 (medium) and $100 (Large).
Pay by direct Debit to BSB 814 282 Account No. 5054 6137 - make sure you identify your group with the deposit.
Groups supporting IPAN’s work include:
Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Committee; Anti-Nuclear Alliance, WA; Australian Peace Committee; Australia East Timor Friendship Association, SA; Ban the Bases! Network Philippines; Bayan Phillipines; BaseWatch (Darwin); Byron People for Peace and Justice; Campaign against Foreign Military Bases, SA; Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, Qld; Conservation Council of Western Australia; Earth Charter Australia; Footprints for Peace, WA; Fremantle Anti Nuclear Group; Friends of the Earth Australia; Just Peace, Qld; Manning Clark House; Marrickville Peace Group; Medical Association for Prevention of War; Peace Convergence; Peace Movement Aotearoa; People for Nuclear Disarmament, WA; Philippines Australia Solidarity Association; Philippine Caucus for Peace; Psychologists for Peace, Qld; Quakers, Qld; Quakers, WA; Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, Qld; Socialist Alliance; Spirit of Eureka, SA; Spirit of Eureka, Vic; Sydney Hiroshima Day Committee; Tea-Kor; Unitarian Church of Victoria; WA Nuclear Free Alliance; WILPF, Qld; Women in Black; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
Current IPAN Campaigns:
US Troops out of Darwin.
This campaign aims to "Give them the Boot"!!
Dont Buy into War:
This campaign aims at shifting spending on offensive weapons unrelated to Australian defence into spending on socially useful areas such as education, health, alternative energy, etc.
IPAN website: ipan.org.au
Find IPAN on Facebook
Email IPAN at:
Write to IPAN at:
PO Box 571,
Coorparoo, Queensland 5151