Just Peace Queensland Inc.
Address: PO Box 573 Coorparoo, QLD, 4151
Mobile: 0431 597 256 (Annette Brownlie)
Contact Just Peace
Find out more about us! Contact us by Email, phone, or Facebook. See details above
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Membership and Support
I / we would like more information
I / we would like to join Just Peace
I / we would like to make a donation
Waged $20
Family $30
Concession $10
Donation $___
Please make cheques payable to Just Peace Qld Inc. and mark “not negotiable”. Money orders are acceptable. Or pay by Direct Debit (see below for details)
Include the details below in an email to us at justpeaceqld@gmail.com
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
_______________________________Post Code _____
Phone: __________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Address: Just Peace Queensland Inc., PO Box 573, COORPAROO, QLD 4151
Direct Debit: BSB 814 282 Acct Number 303 85606 (Include your NAME as reference)
Just Peace is not aligned to any political movement or party or religious organisation. Membership is diverse and is open to anyone who shares our aims and objectives.
NOTE that the Just Peace Management Committee has determined that, given the types of activities Just Peace conducts, public liability insurance will not be carried.