Just Peace Queensland Inc.
Address: PO Box 573 Coorparoo, QLD, 4151
Mobile: 0431 597 256 (Annette Brownlie)

Our General Aims are to:
Raise awareness of the causes of conflict on a local, national and international level;
Promote and support alternative solutions to war between and within states; and
Work for a socially just and peaceful world.
Broaden public discussion and analysis of the causes of war and injustice including:
Current national and international issues
The social, political and economic effects of globalisation and “western foreign policy” on the world.
Our Specific Objectives are to
mobilise people to influence Australian Government policy (regardless of political party) in relation to:
Australia’s role, independence and responsibilities in the Australia, New Zealand and US (ANZUS) alliance
How economic and social legislation that impoverishes and alienates people contributes to the circumstances in which conflict and war are created
We invite you to join us today and contribute your ideas, energy and enthusiasm in creating a more just and peaceful world.
Join Just Peace (link to "Contact us")
Find out more (link to "Our Story")
Read our publications (link to "Our newsletters etc)
In 2013, Just Peace joined together with over 50 other oragisationas around Australia to establish the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN).
Just Peace is a Brisbane-based organisation whose aim is to raise public awareness about alternatives to war and the necessity of justice in achieving lasting peace. It was formed by a group of ordinary citizens who were concerned with the direction the Australian Government was taking with a heavy reliance on following the US militaristic path.
Just Peace works to exchange information, promote dialogue, organise events and develop publications that seek to clarify the peace issues we face as a national and international community. We also offer support and fellowship to those who face the destructive effects of war and injustice.
Just Peace stands as both a group of locally active individuals and as a proud member of the global peace movement. We come from all walks of life, all ages and all political persuasions. Our one commonality is our commitment to a safe, just and peaceful world.
The World Peace Calendar is a project of the World Peace Summit 2025 (Sep 14-28). To follow and to get involved in the development of the World Peace Summit 2025 (14-28 Sep) please visit and join https://www.facebook.com/groups/worldpeacesummit2025
The World Peace Calendar is continually evolving as a reflection of the world peace movement. We aim to make it as readable, functional and useful as possible. We also plan to outreach to include events and actions by more peace groups in more countries around the world while maintaining its functionality.
Please support/donate to these initiatives
If you would like to support the World Peace Calendar and the World Peace Summit 2025 (Sep 14-28) you can contribute to GoFundMe - Organising for a World Peace Summit 2025 https://www.gofundme.com/f/organising-for-a-world-peace-summit-2025 Thank you!
Calendar of Brisbane Events
14th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
20th Committee Meeting
8th International Women’s Day
8th Winnifred’s gathering of peace groups at UQ
11th Anniversary Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion
14th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
20th Committee Meeting
11th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
13th Palm Sunday Rally
17th Committee Meeting
5th Labour Day – stall
9th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
15th Committee Meeting
29th International Peace Keepers Day
13th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
19th Committee Meeting
11th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
Mid July Talisman Sabre
17th Committee Meeting
6th 80th Anniversary of Hiroshima bombing
8th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
21st Committee meeting
12th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
18th Committee Meeting
21st International Day of Peace
5th Annual Peace Concert
10th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
16th Committee Meeting
24th UN
14th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
23rd AGM
10th UN Human Rights Day
12th Just Peace for Palestine Vigil
18th Committee Meeting