Just Peace Queensland Inc.
Address: PO Box 573 Coorparoo, QLD, 4151
Mobile: 0431 597 256 (Annette Brownlie)
Youth Voice Workshops
In 2019, UNAAQ has joined with Just Peace QLD to hold an annual full day workshop for 40 to 60 Brisbane high school students to learn more about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and connections between these goals, as well as developing their own voice on the issues underlying the SDGs (SDG 16 & SDG13)
In 2018 the workshop centred on nuclear disarmament and the Treaty on the Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons.On the morning of the 16th August, four student Ambassadors took the stage of Molly and Len Draney theatre at Marist College. They were welcoming high-school fellow students, and gathering together to learn, debate and express their opinions on the topic of nuclear disarmament.
Expert speakers addressed the pros and cons whether the Australian Government should join 122 other countries in signing the Treaty. The session was wrapped up with a Q&A followed by students moving into a workshop where a wide variety of experts were involved to offer students creative means to raise their voices. Each student was engaged in one of six workshops, which were: dance & theatre, game development, street art, video editing, words & rhythm, and special effects.
The closing ceremony was crowned by a two-minute “pitch” from each workshop to present the ideas created on the day. The messages of “we are stronger together” and a collective advocacy for nuclear disarmament and for Australia to sign the TPNW were embedded in all the closing presentations.
In August 2019 a similarly organised workshop attracted 45 students from 7 schools, and addressed two SDGs – on Peace and on Action on Climate Change. Again speakers from a range of different perspectives talked about what was involved in these two issues, as well as the links between the two goals. Students participated in dance & theatre, video, music, art, poetry and computer games workshops. They presented their collective and individual efforts in 2 minute pitches to the assembled teacher and parents.
UNAAQ, Just Peace QLD, ICAN, and UN Global Citizens Leadership Schools would like to thank the students who have attended these workshops, and invites schools to get involved in the 2020 workshop focusing on climate change, peace and care for land being held in May 2020.
For more details, please contact Ross Gwyther email: justpeaceqld@gmail.com or phone +61 408782983.
You are invited to use the resources below on your website and Facebook,
- they include 4 minute and 30 second videos of the day's activities
as well as reports for each workshop:
Report on the 2018 Workshop